The Right Kind of Jealousy
What was meant to be a pretty busy weekend turned into a writing extravaganza, so I am now back on top of my word count. Unfortunately, it also means that I didn’t get to have brunch with Carolyne, and filming for a french webseries I am participating in will be postponed. Another thing that happened this weekend, was Comic Con in San Diego. Since I spent my weekend writing and walking around town, you know I wasn’t there, but my twitter and facebooks feeds were bombarded with trailers and pictures and enough to make me see exactly what I was missing. Personally, I would love to attend comic con just…
Night shoots
This past week I have done lots, but also a bit of nothing. As in I have constantly been doing things, but not crossing anything off of my list of things to do. My week started off with some night shoots. I got to be a reporter, which I really enjoyed. Not because I actually did anything different from the other extras, but I got to stand right at the front, and actually got to hear what the actors were saying. This includes their lines, while they were rehearsing, and their banter between takes as well. It was really interesting to see how differently the actors will do the scene…
The best friend mindset
Our minds are really incredible things. I have been reading a lot of articles lately about the difference between successful vs non-successful people, or even hot vs not hot girls (horrible title, but the article was really good) and they all seem to imply that a huge part of it is due to a shift in mindset. Which means that I can work as hard as I want, but if I don’t think I’m good enough and I don’t think I’ll make it, then I probably won’t. Unless I am auditioning for a really shy person with absolutely no self-confidence. Then I would nail it. But, as far as my…
Write-Ins, Auditions and Plays :)
So far it’s a lot of baby steps, but they will all add up, right? I am referring to my commitment of doing something every day that makes me slightly nervous. And it wasn’t really a question, because there are already things that made me nervous when I started, but don’t anymore. Such as yoga class. And trying to do the crow pose. Or a handstand. Nowhere near succeeding at either of these, but I am giving them a solid effort. And going out with people for supper afterwards 🙂 These past few days have mostly been spent editing and adding to the book I wrote last November, but today…
Circles, Tapes and Classes
Before I share what I’ve done this week with you, I wanted to talk a little bit about Lean In Circles, just because I said I would and then forgot to in my last post. Sheryl Sandberg, after writing the book, launched Leanin.org, a non-profit organization that encourages women to lean in, as well as gives them the tools to do so, through community, education and lean in circles. The website has all kinds of really interesting stories and videos, as well as a section where you can find Lean In groups in your area. According to the website, “Lean In Circles are small groups that meet monthly to encourage…
Movies, Photoshoots and Yoga ;)
I just got back from having my entire family watch The Dark Shack. It was definitely nervewracking, but also exciting, and touching to have them all so supportive of me and my dream. For my grandmother’s sake, I will hopefully have a character who gets treated better in my next movie 😉 My week was mostly spent working, planning and catching up on finales, but this weekend I did a lot of going out. On Friday, my brother took me to see Pitch Perfect 2 for my birthday. The movie was absolutely hilarious, and really touching. I haven’t yet, but am hoping to someday find my sisterhood as well. Maybe…
Closing Night and Class Goals
My first experience with the Becket Players is now officially over. I had a blast performing with a talented group of singers, actors, dancers and musicians, and even got the excitement of an evacuation before our closing night. Everything turned out okay, and we gave one final heartfelt performance. I now have a lot more free time, but kind of miss getting up there on stage and being a part of the Becket Players 😉 In addition to the shows, I have also been working on my demo reel, and had 2 classes with Suzanna. This month, my first scene was from Eat Pray Love. It is definitely a challenge…
Opening Night at Becket :)
I haven’t really done much these past few days, except of course for Opening Night of “Don’t Stop The Music” and 2 additional shows on Saturday. We had been rehearsing for months for this, and it was definitely something to see it come to life. Plus, being in a play was one of my fears that I now get to cross off, meaning I only have 4 left for my 30 before 30. I don’t want to tell you all about the show, because there are still 3 more showings next weekend, but as far as my experience of it…During rehearsals, I would often feel like the rehearsal space was…
One Step Closer :)
One step closer to being a kickass character that is, although I wasn’t sure one of those words would fare well in the title. I’m also one step closer to getting work in Toronto, at least theoretically. To fill you in, on Thursday, we had our last rehearsal before going into tech week, which they keep referring to as Arena Hell Week. That starts today, so we will see how it goes 🙂 Then on Friday, all I had planned was to drive to Toronto for my stunt thing (which actually wasn’t so much about stunts. I misled you). I was packing up my things, about to head out when…
Burgers and Class :)
I had an awesome time in class on Monday. We are a small group, so we got to do our scene multiple times, each time making the relationship stronger and more believable. We had to work on cutting each other off and doing things like you would in a normal conversation, rather than just syaing your lines. I think I like our before last take best, because I did it naturally instead of thinking about doing it. Unfortunately, I didn’t entirely trust my instinct and stopped when I realized I was doing it, but I still think it was a solid take 😉 I always write about how much I…